Sunday 9 December 2007

welcome to a new voice

Jonathan, if your witty poem "Male Seeks" is an indication of your style , then we are in for some interesting sessions next year! I think that you have a very individual voice, different from anyone else in the group, so maybe you will give us a new perspective on poetry (and life?). I'm looking forward to it!

Thanks for a delightful afternoon Cecilia - it was a sort of "unlaced" Victorian High Tea. The scones and tea and the fine bone china lent a veneer of respectability to the occasion but the I think the green champagne revealed the true agenda.

Have a very happy Xmas everyone

Geoffrey & June

1 comment:

jonathon lee said...

Dear Geoffrey & June,
thankyou so much for your response , it means a lot that work has been heard good to reaffirm that bleak and witty can co-exist. your words encourage me .
I was worried it was unpolished & cryptic
look forward to seeing you again or 'blogging"
Seasongs Greetings