Thursday 31 May 2007

Events you may like to know about

Here are two interesting forthcoming events.

Janet Turner Hospital (author) at the Readers Festival Swanston Street next Wednesday 6 June at 6.30 pm. $6.00 Bookings essential. Telephone 96624699.

And if you are interested in going I certainly am, so let me know. Probably will go in by train. Have a new car and too nervous to drive it as yet. As well as the minute I drove it out of the showroom the rain started. So Victoria/Melbourne can thank me.

The other event is one you don't have to leave for home for, 'All in the Mind' Ration National with Matasha Mitchell. All about neuroscience and creativity and author Sue Wolfe will be talking about writers who sit in their rooms and what happens in their minds whilst creating. It can be heard Saturday 2 June or Monday 4th June will be repeated.

I think this is going to be worthwhile - a discussion on the creative process.

See you all next week. PR should be out next week for Myron's workshop.


Tuesday 22 May 2007

waiting to hear from those writers out there.

Hi All,

Now where are the comments, updates, things of interest, poetry or weather report from you. As Karen said, don't be shy let's hear from you.

There is a writers workshop at Woodend in June 9, 10, 11. I would have gone to some of the sessions they look interesting. But will be entertaining visitors over this long weekend. However will now find the web address and you can read all about it. In the meantime you might try just looking for writers workshops Woodend probably you will get there before I get back to you.

I am away for a few days. However will be taking notepaper and pen and adding some more words for our next meeting which is soon. In fact Wednesday June 6th so will see then. Don't forget workshop July 21 for Myron and bring along the booking fee to pay to the library. The huge amount of $15 and if others want to come along then book them in as well. So far I have 3 others who want to come along and the library will field more.

Here is a poem from the Poet Laurette of America.

White Apples

when my father had been dead a week
I woke
with his voice in my ear
I sat up in bed

and held my breath
and stared at the pale closed door

white apples and the taste of stone

if he called again
I would put on my coat and galoshes

Modern poetry at its best. Sparse, economic, the layout so telling and emotional without being sentimental.

Hoorah the rain has come for the farmers...and on that note

happy writing


Friday 18 May 2007

Emerging Writers' Festival

There's another writing festival during the last weekend in May. Go to for more information! Unfortunately, I will be out of town! But, fortunately, I will be out of town! (Port Douglas, vacationing)

Thursday 17 May 2007

fantastic workshop in June at Woodend.

If you log onto this site you can see how stimulating this workshop will be. I certainly would go, but bother we have interstate guests staying with us over those three days. I have been many years ago and really enjoyed it, but forgot in planning this year the dates. BOO HOO.


first time user

So excited I have managed to get in this blog without the usual post traumatic trauma which sets in whenever faced with new techno. Yesterday was giving my mum who is also a poet a go at looking at this blog. And at 86 was wonderful seeing how happy she can accommodate new things.

Anyway enough of that. Simply a warm up to the last discussion I had with Myron. He has been kind enough to say that members of CoastLines pay $15 and outsiders, the general public pay $20. I said it mightn't cover his costs. And he said oh that is okay. So next meeting if you would like to attend this great workshop can you bring along $15 (perferably in cash) so that I can give this to Myron. And that will ensure you have a place in the workshop. The library PR person Dawn will do a flyer which will be displayed in Bayside libraries. So I think we might get a full house at 20 people and after that we will be filled.

I am looking forward to this workshop. Myron is highly skilled at running them and has run them from small numbers to large numbers. He is engaging and will give us plenty of ideas to go forward with in our writing.

I have already taken two bookings. One, you guessed it mum, and one a fellow short story writer who loves words. So if you have anyone you think might be interested let them know and either you take their booking or they can ring Brighton library who will be set up to take bookings.

Happy writing.

Endeavouring to be poetic

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Making Poetry by Anne Stevenson

Making Poetry

‘You have to inhabit poetry
if you want to make it.’

And what’s ‘to inhabit?’

To be in the habit of, to wear
words, sitting in the plainest light,
in the silk of morning, in the shoe of night;
a feeling bare and frondish in surprising air;
familiar. . . rare.

And what’s ‘to make?’

To be and to become words’ passing
weather; to serve a girl on terrible terms,
embark on voyages over voices,
evade the ego-hill, the misery-well,
the siren hiss of publish, success, publish,
success, success, success.

And why inhabit, make, inherit poetry?

Oh, it’s the shared comedy of the worst
blessed; the sound leading the hand;
a wordlife running from mind to mind
through the washed rooms of the simple senses;
one of those haunted, undefendable, unpoetic
crosses we have to find.

(Collected Poems, 101)

Thanks to Tricia for sharing this poem.

Tuesday 15 May 2007

exciting workshop in July for Coastliners

Hi all,

On Saturday 21 July from 1.30pm to 4.30pm Myron Lysenko will be running a workshop for us at a nominal cost of $20. The library will provide tea, coffee and cake. It will be held in the library and will be great because he is not only a superb and award winning poet but much accomplished at doing workshops.

Welcome to CoastLines

This is our blog, the members of the poetry workshop meeting at the Brighton Library. For the time being, this is a private blog, with the members as authors and viewers. When we feel comfortable with it, we can make it public. In today's session, we decided this would be a good place to share ideas, knowledge about upcoming writing events, and whatever else our hearts desire. Post poems, if you like!Once you sign in to the site, click on new post and write away. Or comment on someone else's post. If you have questions, contact Cecilia or Karen.