Tuesday 22 May 2007

waiting to hear from those writers out there.

Hi All,

Now where are the comments, updates, things of interest, poetry or weather report from you. As Karen said, don't be shy let's hear from you.

There is a writers workshop at Woodend in June 9, 10, 11. I would have gone to some of the sessions they look interesting. But will be entertaining visitors over this long weekend. However will now find the web address and you can read all about it. In the meantime you might try just looking for writers workshops Woodend probably you will get there before I get back to you.

I am away for a few days. However will be taking notepaper and pen and adding some more words for our next meeting which is soon. In fact Wednesday June 6th so will see then. Don't forget workshop July 21 for Myron and bring along the booking fee to pay to the library. The huge amount of $15 and if others want to come along then book them in as well. So far I have 3 others who want to come along and the library will field more.

Here is a poem from the Poet Laurette of America.

White Apples

when my father had been dead a week
I woke
with his voice in my ear
I sat up in bed

and held my breath
and stared at the pale closed door

white apples and the taste of stone

if he called again
I would put on my coat and galoshes

Modern poetry at its best. Sparse, economic, the layout so telling and emotional without being sentimental.

Hoorah the rain has come for the farmers...and on that note

happy writing


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